150 of Grade 5 Spelling Words – How to Spell

150 of Grade 5 Spelling Words - How to Spell

Grade 5 spelling words:

For Grade 5 students, learning to spell well is very important. It helps them write better, read more easily, and understand what they read. We have put together a list of 150 spelling words that are good for Grade 5 students. Along with each word, we offer a simple strategy to make spelling easier. These tips include breaking words into smaller parts, remembering special tricks, and paying attention to the difficult bits of the words. These methods can help students remember how to spell words correctly and improve their spelling skills.

Grade 5 Spelling Words and Spelling Strategies

  1. Achieve – Break it into parts: a-chieve
  2. Beautiful – Remember the phrase: be a u tiful
  3. Calendar – Split it up: cal-en-dar
  4. Decision – Chunk it: de-ci-sion
  5. Environment – Memorize as: en-vi-ron-ment
  6. Fascinate – Think of it as: fas-ci-nate
  7. Grammar – Simplify it: gram-mar
  8. Height – Recall as: he-ight
  9. Immediately – Break down: im-me-di-ate-ly
  10. Journey – Segment it: jour-ney
  11. Knowledge – Split and remember: know-ledge
  12. Library – Break it into parts: li-brar-y
  13. Mystery – Chunk it: mys-tery
  14. Necessary – Simplify as: nec-es-sary
  15. Occasion – Recall it as: oc-ca-sion
  16. Particular – Memorize: par-tic-u-lar
  17. Question – Break into segments: ques-tion
  18. Rhythm – Think of the rhythm in music to remember.
  19. Sincerely – Break it down: sin-cere-ly
  20. Thorough – Chunk it: thor-ough
  21. Umbrella – Split it: um-brel-la
  22. Vacuum – Remember the double ‘u’: vac-u-um
  23. Weather – As opposed to whether.
  24. Xylophone – Use the unique ‘x’ as a mnemonic.
  25. Youthful – Think: youth-ful
  26. Distance – Chunk it: dis-tance
  27. Electricity – Use a mnemonic: E-lectri-city
  28. Familiar – Break down: fa-mil-iar
  29. Generous – Remember the root: gen-er-ous
  30. Height – Highlight the tricky part: hei-ght
  31. Illustrate – Segment the syllables: il-lus-trate
  32. Journey – Break into sounds: jour-ney
  33. Knowledge – Note the silent letter: k-now-ledge
  34. Literature – Split into parts: lit-er-a-ture
  35. Mystery – Focus on the ending: mys-tery
  36. Necessary – Use a mnemonic: Ne-ces-sary
  37. Opportunity – Divide the word: op-por-tu-ni-ty
  38. Particular – Split it up: par-tic-u-lar
  39. Quantity – Break into chunks: quan-ti-ty
  40. Restaurant – Remember the tricky part: res-tau-rant
  41. Signature – Break into parts: sig-na-ture
  42. Technology – Focus on the root words: tech-no-lo-gy
  43. Universe – Split into syllables: u-ni-verse
  44. Visible – Break down into sounds: vis-i-ble
  45. Wonderful – Focus on the ending: won-der-ful
  46. eXperiment – Remember the capitalization: ex-per-i-ment
  47. Youthful – Break into chunks: youth-ful
  48. Zigzag – Use the repeating sounds: zig-zag
  49. Accomplish – Split into syllables: ac-com-plish
  50. Bargain – Break into parts: bar-gain
  51. Circumstance – Segment it: cir-cum-stance
  52. Dedicate – Focus on each part: ded-i-cate
  53. Environment – Split into syllables: en-vi-ron-ment
  54. Fundamental – Break down: fun-da-men-tal
  55. Gratitude – Remember the parts: grat-i-tude
  56. Historical – Divide into chunks: his-tor-i-cal
  57. Imagination – Split into syllables: im-ag-i-na-tion
  58. Judgment – Note the silent letter: judg-ment
  59. Knowledgeable – Remember the root word: know-ledge-able
  60. Leadership – Break into parts: lead-er-ship
  61. Mischief – Highlight the tricky part: mis-chief
  62. Negotiate – Divide into sounds: ne-go-ti-ate
  63. Organization – Break into syllables: or-gan-i-za-tion
  64. Partnership – Split up: part-ner-ship
  65. Qualify – Break into chunks: qual-i-fy
  66. Responsible – Focus on segments: re-spon-si-ble
  67. Spectacular – Divide the word: spec-tac-u-lar
  68. Thermostat – Split into parts: ther-mo-stat
  69. Understand – Use a mnemonic: un-der-stand
  70. Volunteer – Break into sounds: vol-un-teer
  71. Wholesale – Remember the parts: whole-sale
  72. eXchange – Focus on the prefix and suffix: ex-change
  73. Yesterday – Break into sounds: yes-ter-day
  74. Zealous – Use the repeating sounds: zeal-ous
  75. Accurate – Split into syllables: ac-cu-rate
  76. Brilliant – Break into parts: bril-liant
  77. Characteristic – Divide into syllables: char-ac-ter-is-tic
  78. Determination – Split it up: de-ter-mi-na-tion
  79. Essential – Focus on segments: es-sen-tial
  80. Fluorescent – Remember the tricky part: fluor-es-cent
  81. Geography – Break into chunks: ge-og-ra-phy
  82. Humorous – Highlight the parts: hu-mor-ous
  83. Independence – Split into syllables: in-de-pend-ence
  84. Jurisdiction – Divide into sounds: ju-ris-dic-tion
  85. Kindergarten – Remember the root words: kinder-garten
  86. Legislature – Break into parts: leg-is-la-ture
  87. Manipulate – Focus on segments: man-ip-u-late
  88. Nourishment – Split into syllables: nour-ish-ment
  89. Observation – Break into chunks: ob-ser-va-tion
  90. Participate – Divide the word: par-tic-i-pate
  91. Quarantine – Remember the segments: quar-an-tine
  92. Reversible – Split into syllables: re-ver-si-ble
  93. Sophisticated – Break into parts: so-phis-ti-cated
  94. Theoretical – Focus on segments: the-o-ret-i-cal
  95. Unanimous – Split into syllables: u-nan-i-mous
  96. Vaccination – Break down: vac-ci-na-tion
  97. Wavelength – Remember the parts: wave-length
  98. eXpensive – Focus on the prefix: ex-pen-sive
  99. Youthfulness – Break into chunks: youth-ful-ness
  100. Zealot – Use the repeating sounds: zeal-ot
  101. Abundance – Split into syllables: abun-dance
  102. Broadcast – Break into parts: broad-cast
  103. Consequence – Divide into sounds: con-se-quence
  104. Deliberate – Focus on each part: delib-er-ate
  105. Enthusiasm – Split into syllables: en-thu-si-asm
  106. Fundraiser – Remember the root word: fund-raiser
  107. Grateful – Highlight the tricky part: grate-ful
  108. Hypothesis – Divide into segments: hy-po-the-sis
  109. Imperative – Split into syllables: im-per-a-tive
  110. Jurisprudence – Break into chunks: ju-ris-pru-dence
  111. Kilometer – Focus on metric prefix: kilo-meter
  112. Liability – Break into sounds: li-a-bil-i-ty
  113. Magnificent – Divide the word: mag-nif-i-cent
  114. Notification – Break into syllables: no-ti-fi-ca-tion
  115. Optimistic – Split into parts: op-tim-is-tic
  116. Pneumonia – Note the silent letter: pneu-mo-nia
  117. Quintessential – Break into chunks: quin-tes-sen-tial
  118. Restoration – Remember the root words: re-store-a-tion
  119. Simulation – Split into syllables: sim-u-la-tion
  120. Transformation – Focus on segments: trans-for-ma-tion
  121. Umbrella – Break into parts: um-brel-la
  122. Vulnerable – Divide into sounds: vul-ner-a-ble
  123. Whimsical – Focus on the ending: whim-si-cal
  124. eXtravagant – Split into syllables: ex-trav-a-gant
  125. Yesterday’s – Break into sounds: yes-ter-day’s
  126. Zoology – Use the root word: zoo-lo-gy
  127. Accommodation – Split into syllables: ac-com-mo-da-tion
  128. Benevolent – Break into parts: be-nev-o-lent
  129. Comprehensive – Divide into sounds: com-pre-hen-sive
  130. Disadvantage – Focus on each part: dis-ad-van-tage
  131. Entrepreneur – Split into syllables: en-tre-pre-neur
  132. Fascinate – Highlight the tricky part: fas-ci-nate
  133. Grammar – Remember the double letters: gram-mar
  134. Hospitality – Break into chunks: hos-pi-tal-i-ty
  135. Inconvenient – Divide into syllables: in-con-ven-ient
  136. Justifiable – Break into parts: jus-ti-fi-a-ble
  137. Kaleidoscope – Focus on the segments: kalei-do-scope
  138. Legitimate – Split into syllables: le-git-i-mate
  139. Miscellaneous – Divide the word: mis-cel-la-ne-ous
  140. Nostalgia – Break into sounds: nos-tal-gia
  141. Overwhelming – Remember the parts: over-whelm-ing
  142. Phenomenon – Split into syllables: phe-nom-e-non
  143. Quarrelsome – Break into chunks: quar-rel-some
  144. Rehabilitation – Divide into sounds: re-ha-bil-i-ta-tion
  145. Stereotype – Focus on each part: stereo-type
  146. Telecommunication – Split into syllables: tele-com-mu-ni-ca-tion
  147. Unprecedented – Break into parts: un-pre-ce-dent-ed
  148. Visualization – Remember the root words: visual-i-za-tion
  149. Wholesale – Break into sounds: whole-sale
  150. eXtinction – Focus on the prefix: ex-tinc-tion

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