Venda Lessons 101 - Learn to Speak Tshivenda

Venda Lessons 101 – Learn to Speak Tshivenda

Welcome to Venda Lessons 101 – Learn to Speak Tshivenda! Tshivenda, often referred to simply as Venda, is one of South Africa’s eleven official languages. It is primarily spoken by the Venda people in the northeastern parts of Limpopo Province. Rich in cultural history and noted for its complex...

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Saying "Thank You" in Venda Language

“Thank You” in Venda Language: Polite Tips

Tshivenda, or Venda, is one of South Africa’s beautiful and expressive languages. One essential phrase in any language is “Thank you,” and in Venda, this phrase is deeply rooted in respect and appreciation. How to Say “Thank You” in Venda In Tshivenda, you say “Ndo livhuwa” or “Ndi a...

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