isiXhosa HL Grade 4 CAPS Worksheets

Great! Here are some isiXhosa HL Grade 4 CAPS worksheets for your educational needs:
- Imemo Hloliwe (Reviewed Memo) TAK2 – A document providing reviewed answers and guidance for Grade 4 tasks. Download Imemo Hloliwe TAK2
- Umsebenzi Olungisiweyo (Revised Work) – Offers revised and updated tasks for Grade 4 to improve comprehension and learning. Download Umsebenzi Olungisiweyo
- Umdlalo (Play) – A playful and interactive worksheet designed to engage Grade 4 students in isiXhosa through dramatization and role-play. Download Umdlalo
- Umbongo (Poem) – Focuses on isiXhosa poetry to help students appreciate the beauty of the language and improve their literary skills. Download Umbongo
- Ukuphulaphula Ibali Elifutshane (Listening to a Short Story) 2 – Enhances listening skills by providing narratives for students to follow and comprehend. Download Ukuphulaphula Ibali Elifutshane 2
- Ukuphulaphula Ibali Elifutshane (Listening to a Short Story) – Another version of the listening worksheet to further develop comprehension and retention skills in storytelling. Download Ukuphulaphula Ibali Elifutshane
These resources should be very useful for supporting isiXhosa language learning in a structured and enjoyable manner.