Geography Grade 11 Term 3 Notes pdf Download

Geography Grade 11 Term 3 Notes pdf Download:
Dont miss this: Grade 11 Geography September Term 3 Past Papers and Memos
Grade 11 Geography Guide – Term 3 Topics
Week 1: Development
- Terminology associated with development
- The concept of development
- Classification of countries: Developed, developing, MEDCs, LEDCs, and industrial countries
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Topographic Maps: Locating exact positions using degrees, minutes, and seconds
- Video clips, statistics, graphs, atlases, magazines, and case studies
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 2: Framework for Development
- Economic, social, and sustainable aspects of development
- Appropriate scale and spatial aspects
- Economic, social, and demographic indicators: GNP, GDP, HDI, GINI coefficient, life expectancy, and infant mortality
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Topographic Maps: Locating exact positions and relative positions using direction, true bearing, magnetic declination, and magnetic bearing
- Statistics, graphs, case studies, and topographic maps
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 3: Trade and Development
- Factors affecting development: Resources, energy, history, trade imbalances, population growth, education, and environmental degradation
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Topographic Maps: Scale, distance, and calculating area
- Statistics, graphs, case studies, and topographic maps
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 4: Development Issues and Challenges
- Community-based development approaches in rural and urban areas (case studies)
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Topographic Maps: Scale, distance, and calculating area
- Statistics, graphs, case studies, and topographic maps
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 5: Trade and Development (Continued)
- International trade and world markets
- Commodities traded and terms of trade
- Types of trading relationships
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Using Atlases: Map index, locating places using degrees and minutes
- Atlases, maps, and case studies
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 6: Globalisation and Development
- The concept of globalisation and its impact on development
- Export-led development with global examples
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Using Atlases: Comparing information from different maps
- Atlases, maps, and case studies
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 7: Environmental Impact of Development
- The effect of development on the environment
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Using Atlases: Map index, locating places using degrees and minutes
- Atlases, maps, and environmental case studies
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 8: Development Aid
- Concept of development aid and development cooperation
- Types of development aid: Technical, conditional, and humanitarian
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Topographic Maps: Scale, distance, and calculating area
- Statistics, graphs, case studies, and topographic maps
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 9: Impact of Development Aid
- Impact of aid on development (including case studies, both positive and negative)
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Review and consolidation of map skills
- Case studies and statistics
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Week 10: Consolidation and Assessment
- Review and consolidation of all topics covered
Geographical Skills and Techniques:
- Consolidation of geographical skills and techniques learned
- All previously used materials and resources
Informal Assessment:
- Minimum of 3 data response tasks/activities
Additional Resources:
- Video clips, statistics and graphs regarding economic indicators, atlases, magazines, current economic issues (case studies), topographical maps, orthophoto maps, and satellite images.
Assessment Tips:
- Focus on understanding the terminology and concepts.
- Practice using maps and atlases to locate and compare information.
- Review case studies for real-world examples of development issues and solutions.
Dont miss this: Grade 11 Geography September Term 3 Past Papers and Memos