Xitsonga Idioms and their Meanings in English

On this page, you will find Xitsonga Idioms and Proverbs translated into English for easy understanding.

Welcome to our resource page dedicated to Xitsonga idioms and proverbs. Here, you will find a curated collection of these traditional sayings, thoughtfully translated into English for easy understanding. Whether you’re a student, educator, or simply a lover of language and culture, this page serves as a gateway to the wisdom and poetic expression embedded in Xitsonga heritage. Explore these translations and enrich your comprehension of this vibrant language and its profound cultural insights.

A ndzi ku hi laha ku nga na mpfula ku sala ndzhongoDirect – I thought it is where the rain has poured and left fertile soil ground
Meaning – I thought it was good things
Baji ri talele hi moyaDirect – The jacket is full of air
Meaning – Someone has passed away
Dyondzo i xitlhangu xa vutomiDirect – Education is the key to a good life
Emahlweni ka nghala ku fambiwa na xisanaDirect – When you go in front of a lion you must take a fire
Meaning – You must be prepared when you approach a difficult target
Fuwa hlolwa u tsema ndleveDirect – When you domesticate a wild dog you must cut its ear
Meaning – When you help someone and he or she later turns against you
Hambi wo famba enkoveni lundza ri ta vonakaDirect – Even if you walk in a valley your head will be visible
Meaning – There are no secrets
Hi ta ku i timangwa loko hi vona mavalaDirect – We will say it’s zebras when we see the stripes
Meaning – I will believe something when I see it
Homu yo famba hi ndlela a yi heti nsimuDirect – A cattle which eats as it moves by the roadside does not finish a field
Meaning – A visitor will not finish your food
Huma mhiri se ku nghena mambaDirect – A python should leave for the black mamba to go in
Meaning – When you beat someone at something very important
Humba yi olele nkumaDirect – The snail has collected ashes
Meaning – Someone passed away
I kwakwa ra sekwa ma vonela e kuleDirect – The blessings of a duck is that it can see things which are far
I malebvu ya nghalaDirect – It is a lion’s beard
Meaning – Something that is not as scary as it looks
I matutu vana va tavasiDirect – It is plenty
I tihomu ta ka Sono ti gomolana exivaleniDirect – Cattle fighting in a kraal
Meaning – A family discussing family matters
Ku ba mati tingwenya ti tlelaDirect – To beat the water and the crocodiles sleep
Meaning – To give a bribe
Ku dya ngopfu a hi ku hlula ndlalaDirect – Eating too is not to defeat hunger
Meaning – Eating too much doesn’t defeat hunger
Ku pfuxiwa leyi ti pfuxakaDirect – People only wake those who wake themselves
Meaning – People only help those who help themselves
Ku tlula ka mhala swi letela n’wana wa le ndzeniDirect – The way an impala jumps influences its unborn child
Meaning – A child often takes after their mother
Ku tshama hi mavoko swi chela vusiwanaDirect – Lazy hands make a man poor
Kuwa ra le tshyakeni u dyisa hi n’wanaDirect – Only your child can feed you a dirty fig fruit
Kuwa ro tshwuka ri na xivungu endzeniDirect – A fig fruit which is pink has a worm inside
Meaning – A beautiful woman tends to have bad deeds
Kwembe ro hiwa a ri na murhuDirect – A pumpkin which is given to you or you didn’t prepare yourself is usually dry
Laha ku nga ni tinhongani ku borile xiloDirect – Where there are flies there’s something rotten
Laha ndlati yi nga ba kona yi tlhela yi vuyaDirect – Lighting will struck when it has struck in the past
Lexi xi nga heriku xa hlolaDirect – What doesn’t end is taboo
Meaning – Everything has an end
Loko u nga fambi u ta teka makwavoDirect – If you don’t travel you’ll marry your sibling
Loko u tsundzuka mhelembe khandziya nsinyaDirect – When you think of a rhino immediately climb a tree
Meaning – When you remember something do it immediately
Mahlo ya kwahle ya tiva hi muyevuriDirect – The eyes of lizard are only seen by the hunter who kills it
Meaning – You don’t know something until you experience it
Makondlo ma mbirhi a ya celi mbovo wun’weDirect – Two rats cannot dig the same hole
Mangwa yi pfumale timondzo hi ku rhumisaDirect – A zebra doesn’t have horn because of sending others to do its work



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